
Some of my plays are available at Australian Plays. For more information about the others, please contact me at

Two women. One has joined a religious cult. The other has come to get her out. Event Horizon is a one act play for two actors.


A soldier with a past finds a new future. If I Can’t Have You Broken is a new full-length play for three actors, about the far-reaching ramifications of crimes in war and at home.


10 scenes, 10 characters.  10 sexual encounters in a city surrounded by fire.  Freely adapted from Arthur Schnitzler’s ReigenIgnis is a meditation on human relationships, informed by the disturbing atmosphere of heat and haze in which it was written. 

A full-length play for ten actors, Ignis was performed at Toorak Manor by the Anthropocene Play Company as part of the 2022 Melbourne Fringe Festival, directed by Bronwen Coleman.

Ignis production still by Gregory Elms


A philosopher who believes it is better to suffer evil than to do it meets a Prime Minister about to make a difficult decision.  What if sometimes every option you have is wrong?

Renunciation is a full length play for six actors, or a one act play for three.


A diagnosis, and a family reckoning.  The Beach House is a one act play for three actors about a family forced to say what they want.


‘I just think there might be some things in this world where if you don’t care, you can’t know.’  After the death of their grandmother, two sisters meet to sell her house.  A lost cousin arrives, and with her a question about the past.  As the conflict escalates, and lawyers become involved, a family is torn apart. 

The Will is a full-length play for five actors.  It was staged at BrightSpace Gallery in 2018, performed by Roy Barker, Jennifer Connelly, Maggie McCormack, Pia O’Meadhra and Grace Quealy, and directed by Bronwen Coleman.

The Will production still by Gregory Elms


Three men of God—father, grandfather and son—wrestle with the sins of the father.  Theology is a one act play for four actors about what it means to be good.


Image by Sean McKenna

An estranged couple is forced to come together when their teenage son is involved in a brutal assault.  One boy is in custody. Another is in a coma.  Neither Ellen nor Andrew knows how to respond—either to the event or to one another.  What can be said or done in the face of such pain?  Can you take responsibility when you didn’t throw the punch?

Distance is a one act play for two actors.  It was first staged at La Mama in 2013, performed by Margot Fenley and Kevin Hopkins, and directed by Chris Thompson.